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William H. Rowe was born on December 31 1921 in Grass Valley, a small town in Nevada County, California. After finishing high school in Grass Valley in 1939 he went to work for Abraham’s Market in Grass Valley, where he worked from 1940 till 1942. He would deliver meat as a truck driver for the company and did some meat cutting under supervision of a butcher.
In october 1942 William enlisted in the army from Sacramento, California and entered the service as a replacement member for the 307th Airborne Medical Company as part of the 82nd airborne division. He arrived in Europe in May 1944, just in time for the D-
In the morning of September 18 1944 (D+1), the 307 Airborne Medical Company took off from three different British Air Bases headed for the Netherlands. The unit was broken down into four Collecting Companies and one Clearing Station and attached was a Platoon pertaining to the 50th Field Hospital (6 Officers and 55 Enlisted men) as well as two Auxiliary Surgical Teams (6 Officers and 4 Enlisted men).
The total lift was made up of 67 Waco CG-
After a flight of approximately three-
Photo: The CG-
Throughout the entire period, almost all evacuation and transfers were effected by the Company’s own means, causing no interruption in the transfer of casualties from the unit aid stations to the clearing station. Two important innovations to the clearing station were the use of a positive pressure anesthesia apparatus (vital for chest and lung cases), and the introduction of a portable X-
After spending 2 months in the Netherlands, everything was packed and the Company left for France by motor convoy. The date was 16 November 1944. The 307th Airborne Medical Company arrived at Sissonne, France, 17 November 1944, where it was to spend the coming winter.
As in previous Airborne operations, different groups of aidmen and litter parties were detached to the Regiments to assist with evacuation from the frontlines, and many jeep and ambulance drivers moved over roads under enemy artillery and small arms fire. Aerial resupply and enemy medical sources proved adequate except for a shortage of penicillin and oxygen. Nursing aid was obtained from Dutch volunteers with British agencies fully cooperating, so that the necessary care of the casualties was never seriously affected.
During the operation in the Netherlands, the following medical units were attached to the 307th Abn Med Co: the 1st Auxiliary Surgical Group (which supplied some extra Surgical Teams), the 6th Field Hospital, and the 50th Field Hospital (single unit, detachment A). Subject elements were attached from 18 September to 8 October 1944. On October 4, a C-