If you like to make a contribution to the website, have a question or just want to drop in and say ‘Hello’, please do not hesitate to contact us via email, Facebook or Twitter.

Warm regards,
Tom Peeters & Christian Dijkhuizen



I was born in the summer of 1982 just north of Eindhoven in a small town called Best. My interest in WW2 history ignited at a young age. When I was young, like most boys I liked guns, tanks and playing with toy soldiers. Growing older I listened to the stories that my grandparents told me about the war. One of those stories was the story of Joe E. Mann. A soldier from the 101st Airborne Division who sacrificed himself to save his brothers in arms. That story got stuck in my head somehow and I wanted to learn more about the men who fought and died in my village. That interest evolved into my first online project: www.battleatbest.com. A website about the Battle at Best.

Over time I extended my interest in world war 2 and became involved with foundation Remember September 1944. During the year I visit a lot of events to remember those valiant men and women who participated in the liberation of Europe. I hope with telling some of their stories, people will continue to remember these brave people. Lest we forget!


I was born in the winter of 1980 and just like Tom I live in Best. My interest in WW2 started when I was just a kid. My father was involved with the “Brabants Airborne museum” and therefore knew a lot of American and Scottish veterans that had something to do with the liberation of the area I live in. I met these veterans, shook their hands and heard their stories. My interest in their stories grew bigger and bigger. My first online project was www.uscemeteryson.nl, a website about the U.S. war cemetery at Wolfswinkel in Son, the Netherlands. Not much was known about this cemetery, where many American, British and German soldiers were buried. Eventually I placed a monument at the cemetery’s site together with friends.

I became involved with the foundation Remember September 1944. There I met Hans, a Airborne Troop Carrier enthusiast. Together with Hans I visit the glider pilot reunions in the U.S. and with my buddies from the foundation I like visiting WW2 commemorations througout the year.

Photo: The authors of this website together with fellow members of Foundation Remember September 1944 and Betty Taylor. Betty is the sister of Lester Taylor I-502 PIR who was killed in action in Best, the Netherlands during Operation Market Garden. From left to right: Frenk Derks van de Ven, Betty Taylor, Frits Janssen, Tom Peeters, Christian Dijkhuizen, Hans den Brok en Peter van den Broek.

The monument on the picture was placed in the middle of drop-and landingzone in Son, the Netherlands by Foundation Remember September 1944 in honor of IXth Troop Carrier Command.


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Author, Historiographer