The picture above was taken in Eindhoven on September 18 1944, on D+1 of ‘Operation Market Garden’. It shows us a paratrooper from the 101st Airborne Division taking a (smoke) break after the unit’s advance through the town. This picture was probably taken close to the ‘Van Abbe’ museum on ‘De Wal’ close to one of the Dommel river bridges. The picture shows us a couple of nice things:
Members of the 82nd Airborne Division getting some last supplies before they start to board their airplanes for ‘Operation Market Garden’. The trooper on the left is holding an empty No. 82 British ‘Gammon’ handgrenade (1) in his left hand in his right hand he’s holding the explosive type composition C-
Other equipment you see is the Parachute First-
They are wearing the small lightweight cotton gauze fabric 48 star ‘invasion’ armflag (6) on their newly supplied M-
Maps of the landing area (7) are stacked up under the crate and are handed out soon.
The picture above is taken in Aalst, a village in between Valkenswaard and Eindhoven. The picture shows us a local who is handing out a cigar to a British soldier that is passing through his village. The vehicle on the picture is a British Universal carrier or ‘Bren carrier’. The information on the vehicle provides us with some information about the unit that the carrier belongs to.
The picture is taken on 18 September 1944 when British XXX Corps was passing through the village driving towards Eindhoven to link up with the paratroopers of the 101st Airborne Division.
The Army Film and Photographic Unit (AFPU) of the British 1st Airborne Division took several epic pictures that can be seen in almost every book about Operation Market Garden. One of the pictures we do not see much is this picture of two men from the 1st Battalion The Border Regiment.
On this picture we see Major William ‘Jock’ Neill and Lieutenant John McCartney. Major Neill is the commanding officer of Company C and Lieutenant McCartney the commanding officer of No. 28 Machine Gun Platoon. The men are pictured standing upright in their slight trench at the Van Lennepweg, which is located just south-
Major Neill was wounded four times on September 23 during a concerted enemy attack but was able to hold the line at Oosterbeek. Both men survived the battle and were evacuated across the Lower Rhine when the division withdrew.
The picture above was taken on September 18 1944 in Eindhoven. The pictures shows us paratroopers of the 101st Airborne Division with German prisoners of war on top of the Dommel bridge (one of the four bridges the 101st had to secure) on ‘De Wal’, right in front of the Van Abbe museum. The guard on the left (1) is making sure the prisoners stay down on the ground, he has placed a rifle grenade on his rifle. We are able to spot at least six PAN members (2), sporting the blue coverall, helmet and PAN brassard. On this picture we see the commander of F company 506 Parachute Infantry Regiment, 1st Lieutenant Thomas A. Rhodes (3), probably making all these troopers members of F company. The German prisoners of war (4) were captured by members of PAN and on the picture we see the members of PAN transferring the POW’s to the men from F company.
PAN (‘Partizanen Actie Nederland’ or translated ‘Partisan Action Netherlands’)was a resistance movement which mainly operated in the Eindhoven area. PAN is founded by Adrianus Petrus Hoyck-
On this picture we see a captured German Kübelwagen converted to a PAN vehicle. The picture shows us the PAN brassard, which was worn around the left arm, being used as a new license plate (1). The PAN member on the right side on the hood of the car (2) is sporting a U.S. helmet with an NCO bar on it. He is wearing the helmet backwards. He also carries a M1 rifle, a bandoleer with ammo, U.S. combat boots and a flash light. This heavily armed group has two German MG10 machine guns (3) which might be retrieved from a German bomber. (4) The guy in the left back of the car is dressed as a typical Dutch PAN resistance movement member, wearing the blue coverall and a Dutch military helmet (the M34).
The above picture is a picture we do not see on a regular basis in books published about Operation Market Garden. We see vehicles of British XXX Corps close to the railway station in Nijmegen. A beautiful display of American halftracks used by the British army, full of greetings and catch phrases from people in the corridor. On the right halftrack we can read “Weg met de mof”, which translates to “Away with the hun” and we can see greetings from Waalre (just south of Eindhoven) and Malden (just south of Nijmegen).
An airborne operation can only be succesful when the resupply of the freshly dropped and airlanded troops takes place as soon as possible. For Operation Market Garden airplanes from the RAF and USAAF participated in resupply runs. Here we can see a formation of B-
In the final days of Operation Market Garden it became apparant to the men of British 1st Airborne Division that their situation at Oosterbeek was hopeless. Guns from XXX Corps were supporting the men in the Oosterbeek perimeter, but the main body of the assault hadn’t reached the defenders in the Oosterbeek perimeter yet. Low on food and ammunition more and more men had to leave their fighting position and risk their chances of survival as a prisoner of war. Here we see men of the 1st Airborne Division captured by the Germans in Oosterbeek.